Welcome to the Red Deer Volleyball League!
NEW UPDATE – Oct 1/24
The season has begun!
There are still currently 3 teams that have expressed interest in starting Division 4 up on Wednesday nights. I need 1 more team to make it work. Please share the news with everyone!
NEW UPDATE – Sept 5/24
Division 1 – 8 teams Registered. Full!
Division 2 – 8 teams Registered. Full!
Division 3 – 8 teams Registered. Full!
Thank you for your support again this season! I will get the schedules posted on TeamSnap in the next week. We will begin play the week of Sept.30/24 and run up until the end of March 2025. See you all on the courts!
Registration for the upcoming season will begin Sept 1/24 and run until Sept 15/23.
Please get your teams together and follow the steps below to get registered. We will run with 3 Divisions again this year with 8 teams per division.
Division 1 – Competitive Division run Monday nights.
Division 2 – Intermediate Division run Tuesday nights
Division 3 – Recreation Division run Thursday nights
If necessary – We will add another Division for Wed nights. Please get your Registrations in early to avoid dissapointment as last year’s Divisions filled up quickly!
All Games will take place at GlenDale Middle School with game times at 7pm or 8:15pm.
Once again, We will be utilizing TEAMSNAP as our official Scheduling and Scoring app for the upcoming season!
For Registration this season – the following steps will need to happen:
1. Team Captains – please email me your team name, what division you would like to play in and your cell number.
2. You will then receive an email to join your team on TeamSnap. If you don’t already have it, please download the TeamSnap app on your phone.
3. Please E-Transfer the $750 fee to darrentam@hotmail.com or make arrangements to pay in person.
Looking forward to seeing all your faces on the courts again!
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. I look forward to having some fun again and seeing everyone at the courts!
Be safe and stay healthy.
Glendale Middle School: 7:00pm and 8:15pm
So there is no confusion, you must complete the following two things in order for your team to be registered for the season.
- team captains send team name, contact info to me
- you must pay your teams fees
If you do not complete both of these tasks then your team is not registered. Once these are completed I will activate your team in the division that you registered for.
The cost is $750.00 per team and only cash, certified cheques, interact etransfer or money orders are used for payment. (NO personal cheques)
Looking To Play
Are you looking to play?? Send your information to me (Click on this Link) and I will put you on the Players Looking to Play List. Make sure to include your name, gender, Contact Information, and any comments that you will like to make and I will post this info for you.
Some important things to know for this year:
- To force an update of a page click on the date at the top right hand corner and it will force the page to be updated to the most recent update. This is important as last year some teams could not find the schedule even after it was posted. By clicking on the date the schedule appeared.
- The match is forfeited if a team does not have enough players to play 15 minutes after the scheduled time to play. For example if a team is scheduled to play at 8:00 and they do not have a team by 8:15 then the match is forfeited.
- The only time that games will be cancelled will be when roads are closed. If the roads are not closed and a team feels the roads are not safe enough to drive on make sure to call the other teams contact to cancel the games. At this point each team can split the games as one win for each team. I will reschedule games for road closures and nothing else.
- Just a quick note about net height. Net height should be set around the mens height level.
- Please make sure that your team contact is correct with a working phone number.